Tysoe Village Hall Committee has received guidance from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) that allows Yoga, Bowls, Pilates, Keep-Fit and Tae Kwon Do in village halls for more than 6 people where attendees rigidly adhere to social distancing.
Until further notice, the Village Hall remains closed to public events and ceremonies and groups unable to socially distance.
The following conditions must be strictly adhered to:
- The wearing of face masks when entering and exiting the Hall (masks can be removed whilst exercising)
- One way entry and exit to and from the hall
- Managing the arrival and departure times of different groups
- Queue management – the flow of groups in and out of the hall to reduce the risk of congestion
- Registration of all attendees for track and trace
- Use of hand sanitisation from the stations provided at entrance and exit
- Maintenance of 2 metres social distancing (or 1 meter with actions taken to reduce the risk of transmission and 2 metres is not viable)
- Cleaning of any activity specific equipment used, especially between sessions (e.g. bowls and pilates); chairs and tables used for single sessions will be cleaned before and after each hire by the Caretaker.
- The immediate reporting of any suspected cases of Covid-19 during or after a session. The stage area is the designated treatment area and is equipped with appropriate ppe and guidelines.
Each group is responsible for managing their own risk assessment.
To ensure the continued safety of all Hall users, Tysoe Village Hall Committee reserves the right to suspend any classes not following these conditions.
Tysoe Village Hall Committee
For further information please conytact Steve Randall, Secretary, Plum Tree House, Back Lane, Tysoe, Warwick CV35 0SJ
Telephone: 01295 680426 or 07801 582663 Email sc.randall98@gmail.com