Category Archives: News


From 12th of February to 16th February 2024

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service – Consultation on proposed service delivery model

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue (WFRS) is inviting feedback on a proposed change to its service delivery model as part of its Resourcing to Risk approach.

Resourcing to Risk aims to have the right resource, in the right place and at the right time, to keep people safe in their homes, their workplace, their environment and when they are travelling through Warwickshire. The Service wants to hear views and feedback on this proposal, which aims to optimise the distribution of fire appliances, firefighters and supporting resources so that they better align to risk and demand.

The model proposed by WFRS does NOT plan to close fire stations in Warwickshire.

Please see Ask Warwickshire for more information on the reasons for the Resourcing to Risk proposal and the benefits that WFRS believes the proposed approach offers in improving how they keep Warwickshire’s communities and people safe.

A series of consultation events will also be held in each of Warwickshire’s five district and boroughs in January and February (dates to be confirmed).

Click on this link or visit visit to find out more and respond.

The last day for responses is 10 March 2024