Category Archives: News


From 12th of February to 16th February 2024

Publicity About Public Consultation – Parish Council Disclaimer

It has come to the notice of the Parish Council that flyers about the upcoming Public Consultation 25th – 26th November 2016, calling on residents to vote against certain sites have been distributed to some households in Tysoe.

The Consultation has been organised by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee on behalf of the Parish Council. Its purpose is to allow residents of Tysoe to decide which potential sites for development they prefer and which they like the least.

Neither the Steering Committee nor the Parish Council are offering any opinion on the suitability or unsuitability of any of the potential sites and any publicity about the consultation expressing such opinions does not come from them.

Tysoe Neighbourhood Plan – Save the Date

Come and have your say in Tysoe’s future!

When: Friday 7pm 25th November and Saturday 10.00am-4.00pm November 26th

Where: Methodist Church.  Free tea, coffee and biscuits

This is an important Neighbourhood Plan Consultation.   Love it or hate it, we have to accept housing development in Tysoe.  It’s part of a nationwide policy.  But planners and District Councils now have to take Neighbourhood  Plans seriously.  This is your change to tell us where and what kind of development YOU want rather than having to respond to developers so we can write our own Plan for Tysoe.  YOUR opinion counts, so come along and speak up.  Let’s protect our village and make it a better place to live.

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, will be on hand to help.

Tysoe Neighbourhood Plan – “Call for Sites”


Do you have any sites suitable for development?

As part of the Neighbourhood Plan, Tysoe is required to identify and keep a register of sites. From 1 September till 31st October the new Working Party for the Neighbourhood Plan will be running a ‘Site Allocation consultation’.

If you have a site which you think would be suitable for development in the Tysoe Parish, then you will need to fill out a ‘Call for Sites’ form which you can find on the website on the link above, or pick up a form from Tysoe Village Shop and Tea Rooms and return it to the Parish Clerk so it can be added to the Register.   Please complete the form if you would like to suggest land for future development in Stratford on Avon District.  The sites will be assessed as part of the SHLAA and used in the preparation of the Site Allocation Plan which can be viewed at

Please only submit sites capable of delivering 1 or more homes.

For those who have already applied as part of an earlier ‘Call for Sites’, there is no need to reapply as your site details will already be on the register. If you miss this consultation period, don’t panic as applications can always be added later.

Please come along to any of the meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee if you have any questions about the Site Allocation consultation, you will find details of our next meeting on the Parish noticeboard.

Isobel Watson, Secretary

Tysoe NP Steering Committee


Dog Mess


This was left on a footpath in Lower Tysoe. To whoever is responsible, who did you imagine should clear this up? Please understand that, while putting your dog’s poo in a bag is the right thing to do, leaving the bag behind results in two forms of pollution and health hazard – dog poo and plastic – so is worse than just leaving the poo.

Please take it all with you. Thank you.