All posts by Charmaine Swift

Help Make Happiness – Easter Campaign

Dear people of Tysoe,

If you know or have a child/children [including teenagers!] then please read on …. if not you can still read this. It has come to our attention that people are not that happy! So, if you care about our community then make Easter messages/letters/pictures please.

Please put them in one of the post boxes we have made at 2 Windmill Way or Thyme Cottage, Back Lane by Thursday 9th April. We will scan your messages and pictures and make an Easter booklet and deliver them to an elderly person/someone self-isolating in time for Easter Sunday.

Just write a positive sentence or more. Consider this as homework [but you do NOT have to do this we are not forcing you 😊]

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Erin Small and Erin Ellis

PS Here are some Easter ideas for what you could make and some Easter Egg Templates if you are stuck.

Severe Cold Weather Alert

A severe cold weather alert has been issued by the Met Office for rain turning to snow early hours of Thursday morning (27 February), with accumulations mainly above 200m. This should clear by late morning. It is unclear whether or not this will disrupt the delivery of services/disrupt travel significantly in Coventry and Warwickshire, but Warwickshire County Council thought it wise to alert residents. This is particularly important if you are supporting vulnerable people (older people, the very young, or people with long-term conditions) whose health can be affected by even short periods of colder weather.


For anyone living in Warwickshire or Coventry who needs advice and is worried about keeping their home warm, there is a free service, run by Act on Energy. The service can help with fuel bills and benefits advice entitlements, as well as whether you are eligible for heating and insulation measures, so call Act on Energy on 0800 988 2881.

Tysoe Neighbourhood Plan – Examiner’s Final Report

Following receipt of the “fact check” version of the Examiner’s report the Parish Council sought advice from its planning consultant and obtained Counsel’s opinion on the Examiner’s report. This opinion is published here. The Parish Council has now asked for a meeting with the District Council to discuss how to take matters forward. We await a date for that meeting.

Tysoe Neighbourhood Development Plan – Examiner’s report final

Tysoe Neighbourhood Plan Legal Opinion 14.02.2020