All posts by Charmaine Swift

New Supplier Opportunities

Tysoe Parish Council will be pleased to hear from suppliers with the skills and experience in the following areas and who have an interest in tendering during the period April 2021—March 2024.

~ Grass cutting – parish greens & verges and/or Tysoe Playing Fields ~
~ Parish Tree Survey ~
~ General Insurance ~
~ Electricity provision for Street Lighting ~
~ Payroll Services ~

~ Trees ~ surgery, removal, supply, planting ~
~ General Maintenance (including maintenance of and repairs to wooden assets including playground equipment, seating etc, weeding)
~ Hedge Trimming and Path Clearance ~
~ Professional Advice – Planning, Contracts, Legal ~

~ Deadline to register interest ~ 4 October 2020 ~
~ Invitations to tender posted ~ 5 October 2020 ~
~ Deadline for receipt of Tenders ~ 26 October 2020 ~
~ Supplier Selection ~ 9 November 2020 ~

To register interest in joining the tender process please forward your intention with a brief overview of your business to the Parish Clerk at


Woodland wellbeing for Armed Forces Veterans

Have you served with the Armed Forces?  Warwickshire Wildlife Trust are offering Armed Forces veterans living in Coventry and Warwickshire a FREE 8-week woodland wellbeing course.

Join other veterans, spending one day a week in the woods making fires, learning and sharing bush craft skills, swapping stories, exploring and managing the woodland and connecting with nature to feel healthy and happy.

To express your interest in attending a course and receive more details, please contact Man Lan Adams at Warwickshire Wildlife Trust at

Call 02476 302912

For more information follow the link

*Course dates are October 7th – November 25th 2020 (subject to Covid-19


DESCRIPTION OF ROAD TO BE CLOSED:  C54 Lower Tysoe Road/Tysoe Road (Lane End) closed to vehicular traffic from its junction with A422 Banbury Road to its junction with Badgers Lane.

REASON FOR ORDER: Carriageway resurfacing and associated works.

ORDER EFFECTIVE FROM: 21 September 2020 for up to 18 months or until works are completed whichever is the sooner.

ANTICIPATED COMPLETION: In one day on 21 September 2020.

ACCESS & DIVERSION: An alternative route will be signed and is available via: A422 Banbury Road, Radway Road and vice versa. Vehicular access & egress will be maintained where possible.

CONTRACTOR: Balfour Beatty Tel: 03452 415 302.

To report any problems with these works or for further details of our current & planned roadworks visit our website or call us 01926 412515.

Road Works – Lane End


Warwickshire County Council has made a Temporary Traffic Order details as indicated below:
ROAD TO BE CLOSED: Lane End closed to vehicular traffic.
REASON FOR ORDER: To facilitate works for a sewer connection.
ORDER EFFECTIVE FROM: 28 September 2020 for up to 18 months or until works are completed, whichever is the sooner.
ACCESS & DIVERSION: Vehicular access & egress will be maintained where possible.
CONTRACTOR: K A Perkins Tel: 01295 680 822.
To report any problems with these works or for further details of our current & planned roadworks visit website or call WCC on 01926 412515.

Review of The Highway Code

Department for Transport have opened a consultation seeking views on proposed changes to The Highway Code to improve safety for vulnerable road users, particularly the groups of:

  • cyclists
  • pedestrians
  • horse riders

The main alterations to the code being proposed are:

  • introducing a hierarchy of road users which ensures that those road users who can do the greatest harm have the greatest responsibility to reduce the danger or threat they may pose to others
  • clarifying existing rules on pedestrian priority on pavements, to advise that drivers and riders should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross the road,
  • providing guidance on cyclist priority at junctions to advise drivers to give priority to cyclists at junctions when travelling straight ahead
  • establishing guidance on safe passing distances and speeds when overtaking cyclists and horse riders.

Follow the link for more information.

This consultation closes at


In the Extra-Ordinary Parish Council meeting on 22 July, the Parish Council approved the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) to be sent to PKF Littlejohn, the external auditors.  The annual return is a health check for the office of the Parish Council; checking the processes and procedures that are in place and checking that there are no anomalies in our finances.

The unaudited AGAR has been published with this notice. As it has yet to be reviewed by the appointed auditor, it is subject to change as a result of that review.

Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested. For the year ended 31 March 2020, these documents will be available on reasonable notice by application to Beverley Thorpe, Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer by contacting or calling 07938 633352.

The period of inspection will commence TUESDAY 4 AUGUST 2020 and end MONDAY 14 SEPTEMBER 2020

Annual Return 2019-2020 Tysoe Parish Council complete

Notification of Public Rights poster and guidance


The Parish Council has been contacted on behalf of a developer working in Lower Tysoe about public footpath SS35a.  This footpath runs diagonally across the front of properties on Lane End (see map).

The developer has been in contact with Warwickshire County Council about diverting the footpath but after review, the footpath officer has suggested that the footpath be extinguished along the full-length of the front gardens of the houses to the west of Lane End.

Before we respond to this enquiry we would like your views. Please email the Parish Clerk.

Medication Collection Service Closes Early

With lockdown restrictions continuing to lift, you will recall from previous e-newsletters that the Parish Council planned to end its medication collection and delivery service on Friday 31 July.

Due to the availability of Councillors this week we have brought forward this date.  The last day of this service is now Wednesday 29 July 2020.

Going forward, if you are self-isolating and cannot arrange the collection of your medication through friends and family please contact the surgery directly to discuss how they can help.


Based on the most recent Government guidance regarding the re-opening of Village and Community Halls post COVID-19 Closure, Tysoe Village Hall Committee regret to advise all users and hirers that the Village Hall will remain closed until further notice.

Information Sheet Issue 3 – 6th July 2020 received from ACRE (ACTION WITH COMMUNITIES IN RURAL ENGLAND), states that Village and Community Halls are not permitted to re-open for Group 3 Indoor Sports and Exercise Classes (Carpet Bowls, Dance Classes, Indoor Gentle Fitness Classes, including Yoga and Pilates) from 4th July 2020, awaiting further Government guidance.

This closure also extends to ALL public events.

Entrance to any area of the Village Hall is with the express consent of Percy Sewell (Chairman) and/or Steve Randall (Secretary/Caretaker).

Thank you for your continued understanding.
Tysoe Village Hall Committee