All posts by Charmaine Swift

Tysoe Record March 2015

These are the main features of the February meeting:

Ownership of dangerous wall by church being investigated by solicitors.

Agreed to proposal to reduce street lighting and make considerable cost saving.

Update on speeding presented by Inspector Adrian Davis from Stratford Police who said increased speed checks in Tysoe had caught a number of offenders. Agreed some speed limit signs require improvement.

Tysoe Utilities Trust explained the considerable good work they do in the village although this is not widely known.

Agreed to reconsider measures to stop parking on village green.

Due to various holidays and the election in 2015, monthly parish council meetings will be held on 13th April, 18th May and 20th July, otherwise as normal on first Monday of the month.

Surface of path between Middle and Lower Tysoe badly in need of repair.

Potholes can be reported by anyone via email: or telephone 01926 412515.

Agreed to submit this article to the Stratford Herald.


Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan Group are almost ready to circulate, for extensive consultation, version 2 of the neighbourhood plan, which will incorporate comments and suggestions to version 1.

Parish council has been advised that, while early submission of version 2 is unlikely to carry significant weight against large unwanted planning applications, there is no risk and nothing to lose in doing so. Meanwhile, consultation will proceed. Agreed parish council clerk would submit to Stratford District Council and the planning inspector.


Planning update

At extra meeting on 19th January, agreed:

No representation on application at Church Farm House.

Support application for barn conversion at Old Lodge Farm, Sugarswell Lane.


Public participation

Confirmed that the Neighbourhood Plan Group provide updates via the Tysoe Record.

Suggestion that a type of plastic protective fencing could be used on the village green.


Elections on 7th May

In addition to parliamentary and district council elections, all eight seats on Tysoe Parish Council are up for election on 7th May with the likelihood of some councillors retiring, some standing again.

The election is the opportunity to get involved in the running of Tysoe and to influence the level of Community Charge as well as to enjoy the sense of satisfaction derived from serving the community.

Anyone interested in standing for election could contact Graham Raspin, the Returning Officer at Stratford District Council or speak to a parish councillor or watch the parish council noticeboard for announcements in March and April.

Councillor Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record February 2015

These are the main features of the December meeting:

Agreed to additional litter bin at cost of £320 plus annual emptying cost of £100.

Agreed to devise a plan to switch off excess streetlights.

Developer of The Orchard, Main Street agreed to clear the ditch and install trash screens but the residents will have joint riparian responsibilities.

Agreed to contribute £200 in response to request for church clock maintenance.

Agreed not able to make a donation to the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Investigate having a parking space for the disabled.

Posters advertising village events must be taken down after the event.


Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan Group intend to circulate a draft plan, including policies, for comment by February. Stratford District Council will be notified once we are ready to formalise the process.

Any balance of the grant money must be spent by 31/12/14 or paid back.


Planning update

Parish councillors see no reason to disagree with planning officer’s objections to Avon Avenue proposal.

Parish council objected to amended outline application for 3 dwellings at Home Holdings; one dwelling would be more suitable.

Agreed no representation on Westcote Stud, Radway application.

Agreed no representation on Pincock Farm application.

At extra meeting on 16th December, agreed:

Support amended application for two dwellings at Home Holdings.

Support application at Hardwick Farm.

No representation on application at The Anchorage.

No representation on application for tree work at St Mary’s Church.

No representation on application for Church Farm House, Main Street.

No representation on application for Honeycote Farm House, Lower Tysoe.


Public participation

Ask the police to investigate cars being parked dangerously outside gates to playing field.

Remove protruding brackets from seat in play area.

Could the parish council get involved in requesting ‘recovery’ of the Gladman enquiry from the Secretary of State. Agreed not for the parish council.

Councillor Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record December 2014

Highlights of well-attended November meeting:

Agreed to proceed with purchase of computer for village use.

Lottery application submitted for upgrade of playground equipment.

Mixed response so far on streetlights. We have a huge number – 53.

Trying to establish responsibility for ditch maintenance by The Orchard development.

Unhelpful response so far from Shipston about speeding.

Started work on a budget and precept application for 2015/16. Request for funding from Tysoe Village Hall Committee will be considered in this context.

Still considering additional litterbins but who will empty them?


Neighbourhood Plan

Summary of survey results was very helpful for Gladman enquiry.

Approval given to print and distribute the summary of the survey results.

Neighbourhood Plan Group now proceeding with writing plan.

Confirmation that the neighbourhood plan is crucial, whatever the outcome of the Gladman enquiry.


Planning update

Planning application in Lane End, Lower Tysoe was approved largely due to support of local people – parish council, district councillor and neighbours.

Pre-planning letter for Avon Avenue being considered by the parish council.

Letter concerning an amended application for Home Holdings caused concern but parish council will await formal application.


Public participation

Why not move small litterbin to play area.

Don’t forget request for bus shelter.

Consider selling the village hall to raise money to develop the fire station.


Cllr Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record November 2014

Highlights of October meeting that again had a sizeable public attendance:

Considering upgrade of playground equipment.

Warwickshire County Council will trim back elder in Saddledon Street.

New Acer Drummondii tree will be planted in conservation area.

Dog owners requested to dispose of dog mess properly and not by throwing it into hedges and fields.

Need to reduce electricity costs; what do parishioners feel about streetlights? Let us know.

These monthly articles are available on the village website.

Need to clarify who will maintain roadside hedge and ditch by The Orchard housing development on Main Street – a flood risk area.

Parking area by the old fire station is for the pre-school and the playing field, not as a general car park.


Neighbourhood Plan

Vital that village boundaries and housing lines are clarified by the neighbourhood plan.

While work continues on developing the neighbourhood plan as a proposed policy document, a summary of the survey results will be published for the benefit of the village.

Considering purchase of published species/habitat data.


Planning update

Need to reconsider parish council approach to area planning committee meetings.

A concern has arisen over the application in Old Tree Lane.

Application at Home Holdings refused.

Application on land adjoining Church Farm Court approved.

Application for Lower Grounds approved.

Application for 9 Church Farm Court approved.

Parish council supported amendment to bungalow application in Lane End, Lower Tysoe.

Parish council supported application for Causeway Cottage, Main Street subject to concerns.

Parish council objected to application for The Close, Back Lane.


Cllr Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record October 2014

No August meeting so September was a spectacular with a huge public attendance:

Rent review finally agreed and signed by all parties.

Agreed to patch up existing notice board and then replace next year.

Endeavouring to establish title to collapsing wall near church; in meantime the public reminded to avoid risks by not using the path.

Funding for defibrillators progressing well.

Further quotes required for repairing playing field fence.

Village website now online; content from Tysoe groups and clubs very welcome.

Annual safety inspection of playground to go ahead.

Agreed to contribute £1,000 towards churchyard maintenance.


Neighbourhood Plan

Response rate to the survey was a very encouraging 43%. Cost agreed for independent analysis of results.

We wish to clarify potentially misleading information in an article on page 18 of the September Tysoe Record. There is no group titled Tysoe Residents Neighbourhood Planning Group. There is the Neighbourhood Plan Group, a subsidiary of the parish council with responsibility for developing the neighbourhood plan but not involved in planning applications. In addition some residents formed a Rule 6 Group to contest the Gladman appeal.


Planning update

At an extra meeting the parish council opposed by a majority a new application for 9 dwellings on land adjoining Church Farm Court.

Agreed to support the application at The Anchorage in Old Tree Lane.

After discussion and public participation, agreed to object to an application for 5 dwellings at Home holdings in Lower Tysoe.

Agreed important that, to avoid repetition, the parish council and Rule 6 Group compare notes over what each planned to say at the Gladman enquiry.


Cllr Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record September 2014

As usual no monthly meeting in August

Planning update

The application for nine dwellings on land adjacent to Church Farm Court is subject to a judicial review whose outcome is not yet known.

Despite this, at a special meeting of Tysoe Parish Council on Thursday 14th August, a new application to erect nine dwellings on the site adjacent to Church Farm Court was considered. Except for minor boundary changes, the plans were the same as those considered earlier in the year. The parish council again recommended refusal and felt that, in light of the new information that forms the basis of the application for judicial review, the case for refusing planning permission on the site is even stronger than it was previously.

Dates for the enquiry into the Gladman application for Land South Of Oxhill Road are confirmed as 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 23rd September.

Neighbourhood Plan

The survey was distributed to all households in mid-July and the deadline for completion and return was 16th August. The results and the wishes of Tysoe residents will now be analysed.

Cllr Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record August 2014

Headlines of July monthly meeting:

The police have stated they will conduct operations against speeding in Tysoe over the coming months.

The tea room adjacent to the village shop have agreed to host the village computer.

Parish council will make a donation towards the cost of a defibrillator but additional financial support is required.

Joseph Ashby’s book on Tysoe recounts flooding a serious problem back in 1893.

Parish council decided by a majority the planning tie on Oakland Stables should remain.

Neighbourhood Plan

The survey amongst residents is the main building block for the Neighbourhood Plan. Survey questionnaire approved with comments and will be distributed in mid-July with a deadline for completion and return of 16th August. Vital everyone completes the survey.

Planning update

Parish council raised two specific concerns on a residential application for land adjacent to Hillborough in Lower Tysoe but otherwise made no representations.

Application approved by SDC for change of use at Orchard Farm Nursery, Lower Tysoe.

Cllr Simon Forrester