All posts by Charmaine Swift

Statement from the NPG and Parish Council

The Parish Council (PC) and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (the NPG) are aware that certain individuals are trying to influence the consultation process and have distributed literature which the PC/NPG believes is misleading. The PC and the NPG urge you to speak and think freely without influence and respond to the plan consultation based on your own views and not others. All comments will be considered and in due course a joint statement will be released by the PC/NPG .

Royal British Legion – Every One Remembered

Everyone Remembered is a place, where all 1.1million Commonwealth Service men and women who fell during World War One will be individually remembered, including any who died from war related injuries up to two years after the conflict ended.

You can leave your own unique commemoration on the website to one of the fallen.

You can remember a family member, someone from your local area or any of the many still left to be remembered. You’ll be helping us create a lasting legacy and ensure that none who fell are forgotten. It only takes a minute to create a lasting legacy, by visiting the website

Wheels on the Western Front Bike Ride

To mark the centenary of the Armistice David and Bertie Sewell are taking part in Wheels on the Western Front.

This is a 428 mile cycle ride raising money for the Army Benevolent Fund – The Soldiers’ Charity.

If you would like to learn more or support them please visit the Just Giving Website: