Councillors & Parish Clerk

Parish Councillors are volunteers and have been elected to work together with the Parish Clerk on behalf of their community.  Tysoe Parish Council currently has 7 Councillors.

  • David Roache – Chairman (elected 15 May 2023),, 01295 680309
  • Chris Bell,
  • John Tongue,, 01295 680469
  • Malcolm Littlewood,, 07494 572977
  • Amanda Venables, ( Vice- Chair elected 13/05/2024)
  • Rebecca Billing,
  • Adam Wyatt,

If you would like to know more about becoming a Parish Councillor please read our Job Description and Become a Councillor

The office of the Parish Council is run on a part-time basis by Charmaine Swift, Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer,, Tel: 07768127225

Register of Councillors Disposable Pecuniary Interests

As part of the democratic process Councillors are, upon election, required to disclose any pecuniary interests.  The register of interests is available to view here.

List of Councillor’s Responsibilities

To capitalise on their areas of expertise and interest, Councillors volunteer to focus on specific areas.  The following areas of responsibility were agreed at the Annual Meeting on 13th May 2024. 

Committees are formal groups with terms of reference and scheduled meetings.  They have delegated powers from the main Council which allows them to move important issues along and make decisions without interrupting normal parish business at Ordinary meetings.  Members of the public are welcome to attend committee meetings, minutes are taken and published. Tysoe Parish Council currently have two committees (each with their own page on our website):

Working groups are groups of Councillors who work together to draw up proposals on a particular theme for the Parish Council to consider at meetings.  Councillors usually join working groups because they have specific knowledge, expertise or interest  in that area.  Working groups do not have any decision making powers.  Tysoe Parish Council have several working groups:

  • Finance – David Roche, Amanda Venables, Malcolm Littlewood
  • Human Resources & Employment – Rebecca Billing, David Roache
    Infrastructure including the repair and maintenance of parish assets, the environment,  traffic and parking – Adam Wyatt, Rebecca Billing & Chris Bell
  • Planning – John Tongue, Amanda Venables, Adam Wyatt
  • Playground & Playing Field –  Rebecca Billing, Chris Bell
  • Trees – Rebecca Billing
  • Strategy – TBA
  • Welfare – Helen Sayers, David Roache
  • Traffic Management – Adam Wyatt, Chris bell working with a group of residents.
  • Biodiversity – Amanda Venables
  • Emergency Disaster Plan – Helen Sayers