All posts by Charmaine Swift

Tysoe Record July 2014

Headlines of May and June monthly meetings:

To help deal with the ever-growing workload, parish council resolved to deal with items within two months and to delegate more.

Badgers Lane storm drain has at last been replaced; many thanks to WCC Highways. Smarts Lane apparently running freely.

Agreed to repair two benches.

Sports field track repaired; many thanks to Jonathan Allen.

Agreed to fell diseased ash tree by the pavilion.

I have agreed to parish council request I stay on until November.

Rent agreement for parish council land requires an amendment.

Aiming to get speed limit enforcement discussed at Community Forum on 10th June.

Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan Group is progressing programme of meetings.

Terms of Reference have been amended and approved.

Parish council’s insurance will cover work of the group subject to certain conditions.

55 people attended and helped with highly organised mapping exercise on 31st May.

Questionnaire about village life will be sent to all residents in June.

Planning update

Permission granted for 9 dwellings on land adjoining Church Farm Court but queries remain.

Permission granted for 6 at The Orchards.

Permission refused for New House Farm, Sandpits Road.

Dates for enquiry into Gladman application likely to be 16th to 23rd September at Ettington.

Cllr Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record May 2014

April meeting held in village hall after the annual parish assembly:

Funding application for a bus shelter has been unsuccessful.

Meeting with WCC to discuss curbstones and flagstones to be arranged before May meeting.

Compton Estate agreed to install headwall and trash screen on Jeffs Close culvert.

Fencing at Policeman’s Tree requires repair by WCC.

Dog mess should be picked up and put in the bins provided.

Wall beside church requires attention by the owner.

A number of potholes require attention by WCC.

Member of the public felt new housing was not being spread fairly throughout the village and Lower Tysoe seemed to avoid significant development.

Neighbourhood Plan launch on 29th March

Parish council praised the highly successful launch, organised by the Neighbourhood Plan Group who arranged display stands and attendance by MP Nadhim Zahawi, WCC Leader Cllr Izzi Seccombe, District Councillors Chris Saint and Gill Roache, Cllr Mark Sewell, other parish councillors and hundreds of residents.

The Neighbourhood Plan Group is responsible for developing the long-term plan, not dealing with specific planning applications.

Planning update

The two big proposed developments – Gladman on the Oxhill Road and Pendleton adjacent to Church Farm Court – had been rejected by Stratford District Council but are going to appeal.

Keith Risk offered to coordinate Tysoe’s response to these appeals.

Cllr Simon Forrester


Tysoe Record April 2014

Another full and long meeting in March:

Rent review of parish council agricultural land requires more investigation.

Still awaiting dates for storm drain replacement in Badgers Lane and Smarts Lane.

Repair of curbstones and flagstones in village centre is getting closer.

The parish council noticeboard has been damaged and needs replacing.

All public benches throughout the village require maintenance.

Discourteous response received from neighbouring district council regarding problems on Shenington Road.

Stratford DC planning officers accept they should have notified neighbours of the planning application at Orchard Farm Nursery.

Track leading to sports field will be repaired.

Agenda agreed for Annual Parish Meeting on Monday 7th April.

The Sports Committee needs insurance for the cricket festival.

Neighbourhood Plan public meeting in Village Hall on 29th March.

Parish council’s choice for Stratford’s Housing Requirement and Strategic Options is firstly Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath and secondly Southam.

Member of the public requested bigger notices on the playing field concerning dog mess.

Planning update

Parish council strongly objected to application for an extension to a property in Church Farm Court.

After lengthy discussion and public participation, the parish council voted to support application for two dwellings off Sandpits Road, subject to a concern about flooding.

Vacancy on Tysoe Parish Council

I am retiring in May. Anyone interested in serving on the parish council and making an important contribution to village life should contact the Clerk on

Cllr Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record March 2014

With no January monthly meeting February’s agenda was packed.

Rent review of agricultural land owned by the parish council satisfactorily negotiated.

New grit bins in place thanks to Cllr Allen’s sons.

Agreed to proceed with maintenance to memorial opposite Old Tree Lane.

Agreed to go ahead with Tysoe Neighbourhood Group’s proposal for a working party to develop the neighbourhood plan.

DC Roache requires help with monitoring vehicle speed limits, particularly from those who have raised the problem.

Gritting absence on 2nd and 12th January being investigated.

Refuse collectors have said they will re-instate the village green in School Lane.

Shipston Link timetable to appear on noticeboard and in post office.

DC Roache will check house construction on Main Street is as approved.

Trash screen required to reduce debris blocking storm drains around Jeffs Close, Middleton Close and Main Street.

Minutes on the Tysoe Parish Council noticeboard.

Planning update

Extra meeting held on 10th February to discuss an application for nine dwellings on land adjoining Church Farm Court. Parish council acknowledged the applicant had taken into account many concerns previously raised.

Lengthy discussion and public participation ensued. Taking into account the position of opposing any development of the site and the strength of neighbours’ opinions, the parish council voted to object.

The applicant has also appealed against the refusal for 20 dwellings.


Cllr Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record February 2014

Highlights of 2nd December monthly meeting were as follows.

The application for a neighbourhood plan has been filed.

A register of the many assets owned by the parish council is being compiled, from the playing field to village greens and war memorials.

Points arising from a playground Playsafety Report are in hand.

Councillors unanimously voted for a 2% increase for the 2014/15 precept.

Constituency boundaries for district councillors are being re-drawn resulting in fewer councillors.

Enforcement officer to be asked to check development around the livery on the Straight Mile.

Resurfacing material on Tysoe to Shipston road is not satisfactory.

Minutes on the Tysoe Parish Council noticeboard.

Planning update

At the Planning Committee meeting on 8th January Stratford District Councillors unanimously rejected an outline planning application by Gladman Developments for up to 80 dwellings on the Oxhill Road.

This followed weeks of hard work and carefully planned presentations of objection by Tysoe Parish Council led by Chairman Mark Sewell, by the Tysoe Residents Group led by Keith Risk with expert advice from Mike Sanderson and John Hunter, and by our ward member, D C Gill Roache.

Gladman may well appeal but it is round one to Tysoe.

The campaign for fast broadband

Anyone who has not yet completed the survey please do so at:

Cllr Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record December 2013

Highlights of 4th November monthly meeting were as follows.

A possible location for a bus shelter is outside 13 Middleton Close, although agreement and funding remain major obstacles.

The source of water running down Main Street opposite Avon Avenue will again be investigated.

The process is under way for the development of a neighbourhood plan.

It was agreed we need another litterbin.

The parish council is objecting to a planning application to develop Lower Grounds outside Middle Tysoe, mainly on the basis of over-development of this location adjacent to the AONB.

The parish council is investigating why were not consulted before permission was granted on plans for a Warwickshire County Council four bedroom house in Lower Tysoe.

People have started parking on the village green and damaging the curbstones opposite the shop and the Peacock.

It was agreed to obtain quotes for two additional grit bins.

Minutes on the Tysoe Parish Council noticeboard.

The campaign for fast broadband

Broadband speeds in much of Tysoe are painfully slow. To help bring fast broadband it is vital that all Tysoe residents and businesses who use the internet complete the survey and demonstrate the high level of demand.

Details of the survey are in the letter from Tysoe’s broadband champions, Alison Cross and Craig Marshall.

Cllr Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record November 2013

Highlights of 7th October monthly meeting were as follows.

District Councillor Gill Roache needs volunteers to help check vehicle speeds within the village speeds limits.

Parish councillors all-out elections have been delayed from 2014 until 2015.

Mr Colin Locke was voted onto the parish council.

DC Roache continues to investigate the feasibility of a bus shelter.

The parish council has concerns over a planning application for a new access from New House Farm, Sandpits Road onto the Oxhill Road.

The parish council also objected to a planning application for nine new dwellings in Sandpits Road.

Ms Alison Cross and Mr Craig Marshall are Tysoe’s new broadband champions.


Future housing development

Mr Keith Risk explained the work of the newly formed Tysoe Residents Neighbourhood Planning Group.

It was agreed to work closely, to develop a neighbourhood plan and the parish council would fund the work of a planning consultant to examine the Gladman proposal.


Extraordinary meeting on 14th October

Held in village hall due to level of public interest in the Gladman outline planning application for 80 homes on the Oxhill Road.

The parish council objected to the application on the grounds of totally unsuitable volume of housing plus environmental, flooding and traffic concerns.


Full minutes on Tysoe Parish Council noticeboard.

Cllr Simon Forrester

Tysoe Record Oct 2013

Tysoe Parish Council Meetings

We have scheduled meetings on the first Monday of each month, apart from January and August, in the Reading Room on Main Street. Members of the public are very welcome.

Minutes are posted on the Parish Council Noticeboard.

Summary of September meeting

  • Warwickshire County Council have proposed a solution to the flooding problems in Badgers Lane but this will be reviewed
  • An independent valuation is being requested for agricultural land owned by Tysoe Parish Council
  • Tysoe Parish Council is currently looking to elect a new parish councillor
  • An aide memoire about flood risks in Tysoe is available, particularly in the context of planning applications
  • The Tree Committee will determine the site for the Jubilee Tree
  • Tysoe Parish Council is applying for lottery funding for the village website
  • Clarity has been requested about the location of the new speed limits
  • Possible grants to help pay for a bus shelter are being investigated before any decision is made
  • Several items of correspondence plus comments received from members of the public concerning planning (see below)



The 2010 Tysoe Parish Plan, which was produced through the democratic process, together with the subsequent housing needs survey, identified the desire for a low number of small developments.

Despite this Tysoe Parish Council recognises that, due to central government and Stratford District Council policies, Tysoe may have to accept a greater number of dwellings for the 20-year period up to 2028.

In accordance with the views of most residents we oppose opportunistic large-scale developments that we consider unsuitable for Tysoe.

Tysoe Parish Council believes modest, small-scale applications that are sympathetic to our rural location are more suitable for Tysoe.

Other factors to be considered are the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty running along the east and south sides of the village, Tysoe’s susceptibility to flooding, the limited capacity of the sewage works and traffic problems.

Cllr Simon Forrester