Upton House

Upton House

Forestry Work on Upton Estate 2022


As you are aware, we have had to carry out some substantial forestry work on Sunrising Hill over the last six months due to widespread Ash Dieback (Chalara) which has now been completed and the re-planting is due to start imminently. We now have to start a similar process in the woodland off Edgehill which will start with the construction of the infrastructure for the forestry machinery, commencing next month. The felling will then start in the summer.


While still relatively extensive, the woodland will not need to be clear-felled as it was on Sunrising Hill which consisted of a large swath of Ash, this will be more of a thinning process. It is our understanding that the existing bridleway which passes through the woodland should not be affected.


Please find attached some information regarding the felling operations from Nicholsons, the forestry consultants who are overseeing the work. If anyone has any queries regarding the work either now or while it is being carried out please do not hesitate to contact Tim Shardlow from Nicholsons or the Estate Office at Upton Estate.


Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Best wishes,

Upton Estate